Masses of the Dead

Prayers at the Foot of the Altar
The Judica Me is not said. After the Antiphon, the priest proceeds immediately to the Adjutorium nortrum.

The altar is not incensed during the Introit.
The Celebrant makes the sign of the cross over the missal instead of on himself.
The Gloria Patri is not said, but the Requiem aeternam is repeated.

The Gloria is not said.

At a High Mass, the Sub-Deacon does not kiss the hand of the Celebrant, and the Sub-Deacon is not blessed.

The Munda Cor is said.
The Jube Domine, benedicere and Domine sit in cordo meo are not said.
The Deacon does not ask for a blessing, nor does he kiss the hand of the Celebrant.
Candles and incense are not carried for the reading of the Gospel.
The Per Evangelica dicta is not said.
In High Mass, the Book of Gospels is not incensed, it is not brought to the Celebrant to be kissed.
The Gospel is also not kissed by the Priest in Low Mass or the Deacon in High Mass.

The Creed is not said.

The oblations alone are incensed, not the altar.
The Celebrant is incensed, not the servers, clergy in choir, or congregation.

The Gloria Patri is not said.

At High Mass, the Sub-Deacon does not hold the paten, but kneel and incenses the elements during the elevations.

Agnus Dei
The proper form for the Agnus Dei given in the missal is used.
The breast is not struck

Communion Prayers and the Peace
The prayer Domine Jesu Christe qui dixisti Apostolis tuis is not said.
The Pax is not given.

Dismissal & Blessing
In lieu of the Ite Missa Est or the Benedicamus Domino is said Requiescant in Pace.
The Placeat tibi is said as usual. The priest proceeds to the Last Gospel.
The Blessing is not given.


Acolytes do not kiss the Celebrant’s hand not objects.
The Sermon, if one is given, is given after the Last Gospel and before the Absolution.
The Absolution of the Dead (if the body is present) is the final act of the mass.

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